
Got an idea for a new feature or integration? We’d love to hear it! You can find our roadmap here.

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Account Sign Out

Aug 3, 2024 Sherelle Rippy EM: To Support Astoundify EM: My name is Sherelle Rippy, sense my last support Ticket ,Chat post and Chat post submitted today Aug 3, 2024. After accessing my account today August 3,2024 I didn't have to sign in, I was still signed into my account. I couldn't find the sign out option on […]

Category: Plugins 0 comments
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Creating a Recruitment Platform

We are developing a recruitment platform designed to connect employers and job seekers efficiently. Unlike traditional job boards, our platform will not require job listings or postings. Key features: Candidate Dashboard: Job seekers will create accounts and access a personalized dashboard. Employer Dashboard: Employers will also create accounts and have their own dedicated dashboard. Platform Fee: Candidates will pay […]

Category: Jobify 0 comments
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Hello, I am contacting you to request a specific customized WordPress theme for a specific web project. Here are the details of my needs: 1. Objective of the site: I want to create a web platform for connecting businesses in the beauty industry, including makeup artists, nail technicians, hairdressers, etc. The goal is […]

Category: Themes 0 comments
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Please Add a "Call To HR" Feature

Feature Description: Call To HR Overview: The "Call To HR" feature enhances the communication capabilities of the job portal, providing a direct and efficient channel for candidates to connect with the Human Resources department of the hiring company. This feature facilitates real-time interaction, fostering a smoother recruitment process and enhancing the overall candidate experience. Key Components: Click-to-Call Functionality: Integrate a […]

Category: Themes 0 comments

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