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Account Sign Out

Aug 3, 2024 Sherelle Rippy EM: serip6@aol.com To Support Astoundify EM: hi@astoundify.com My name is Sherelle Rippy, sense my last support Ticket ,Chat post and Chat post submitted today Aug 3, 2024. After accessing my account today August 3,2024 I didn't have to sign in, I was still signed into my account. I couldn't find the sign out option on my account page nor through other page options. Not having a Sign out option, you leave our accounts open to Hacking. By those monitoring people's internet activity or other Hackers. I'll keep looking, but up until this message no luck signing out of my Astoundify Account; still open in the Web browser. I'll submit this message to other options on the site for support as well. Thank you, Sherelle Rippy

Category: Plugins serippy7 shared this idea

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